Thursday, April 19, 2007

closing my yahoo group...

as i'm sick to death of spam from "sexy military women wanting to chat" to me. I didn't think you could even do that on a yahoo group. anyway, there's just a couple of bits and pieces sitting around from my yahoo days; shall transfer them over to ozebaby next week.

I have transferred this cute little pinnie for previewing; made from denim and topstitched in Gutterman jean thread (this is the colour I use to match my levis when I take them up ~ it's VERY important thread and thread thickness matches when you do that.) The collection of buttons, some new and some vintage (read knicked from my mum's huge button container many moons ago LOL) are sewn onto a pleated piece of denim. I love this!!!! There are a few imperfections in the sewing that I am not happy with now, but hey!!

oh, my TIP FOR TAKING UP DENIM JEANS and making it less obvious. I recommend using Gutterman jean thread and matching it as closely as possible to the original stitching. Then so you don't have that obvious taken up look, rough up the bottom of your jeans with some sandpaper. ;)

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